For example, let’s say we need this bunny to be exactly 75 millimeters tall. Next is scaling: not only can you scale using percentages, you can also scale to an exact size in millimeters. This makes it easier to know exactly what you’re getting. You’ll notice that, as you make changes, you can immediately see them reflected on your model. We could also enter a precise value here if needed. Just press the down arrow on the Z offset. An easy way to do that is to drop the model just slightly below the bed, so the very bottom won’t be printed. We’d be better off creating a flat surface. For example, you can see that this model is not completely flat on the bottom, which means the first layer may not stick as well.

Here is where you can edit the X, Y or Z offsets.

To open the Panel, double click the model on the bed or its name in the Model List. While the top four icons on toolbar on the right are great for making quick changes to your model, the Model Settings Panel is better for precise numeric adjustments.

Today, we’re looking at Simplif圓D’s Model Settings Panel, which lets you edit multiple aspects of your 3D model, such as position, scaling and rotation.